Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prayas: Masala Bhaat

masaalaa Baat
rayagaDavar imaLtao Baat
Baatca imaLtao jaMijay`aat
purMdracao QaurMQar Aalao
Baatacaoca jaovaNa Jaalao
daonaca Gaasa KalaI ]trlao
PaaoTo qaklao, pao+o qaklao
vaasaanaoca gaudma$ laagalao
ekca cava Ana\ ekca svaad
kQaI na saaQaa ek Apvaad
rayagaD vaa Asaao rajagaD
PaaoTat Aamacyaa nausatI gaDgaD
laaohgaDacao laaohpu$YahI Gao}na Aalao Baat
AaiNa maarlaI Aamacyaa paoTavartI laaqa
taorNaa zrlaa tarNahar
TaLlaI AamacaI ]pasamaar
ek saaMgaNao naahI far
baMd krao yao A<yaacaar.. baMd krao yao A<yaacaar..!

          - ivajaya naoTko

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

poliically motivated decision

Government’s decision to give cash to the poor instead of providing subsidies to kerosene, cooking gas and fertilizers is a welcome step but I fear money saved in this process will not be utilized properly as I think it will be directed to present a popular budget this month to get political benefits amidst government’s tarnished image in scams and mega scams also too woo public sentiments ahead of state assembly polls in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Assam,Kerala and Puducherry this year.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Deciding the direction of decade

Almost every decade start with things that change the direction of the decade itself. In 1991 the fall of USSR marked the end of cold war era and beginning of unipolar world under hegemony of United States. Last decade began with Y2K bug but on 11 September 2001 WTC was attacked by terrorists and rest of the decade was largely related and indirectly result of the activities around the same fact.
Now in this decade it all started with protests in Arab world from Tunisia followed by Egypt. In both the cases the younger generations with greater aspirations supplied with window of Internet were able to oust autocratic and unchallenged regime with uncontrolled power. These two revolutions in modern time will change the structure and view of the world and the effects of these revolutions will be felt throughout the world for whole decade..!