Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Empowering Marathi...

Technology plays a very important role in development of human society. Also it can be argued that technology can be very important in growth and proliferation of particular language. English is spread across the globe like a wild fire because of technology especially internet.
To spread and increase the use of Marathi we need to convert content in English on internet into Marathi. People should be able to write in Marathi on net, yes of course there are some ways to write even now but they are quite cumbersome to use. People prefer to write Marathi in Roman script rather than Devnagari. We need to create online encyclopedias like Wikipedia in Marathi. This will make Marathi ‘The language of knowledge’.
Instead of crying foul and projecting intolerant image coupled with politics of resentment and hate over the issue of language. Let us do some constructive work for Diasporas’ spread and development of our Marathi!
The most disturbing thing that I find is younger generations of Maharashtra are raised in such a way that there “Emotional world” is not shaped and developed in Marathi. For instance take the example of Cartoon channels. There are plenty of them floating on air; they are in English, Chinese, Hindi even in Tamil and Telegu. But is there any in Marathi??? If not, why? If this is the case how we will be able to attach emotional world of younger generations to our soil, our culture and our mother tongue!
In my opinion if we do this we do enough service to our beloved mother tongue!!
                                            Jai Hind!!
                                                     Jai Maharashtra!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

UPA –II responsible for derailing India’s growth story

Well what we see happening is derailing of India’s growth story!! While we are busy with anti corruption campaign our GDP growth for last quarter is just 7.2% that too at a time when we were expecting it to be double digit… High inflation rate causing higher interest rates and it in turn slowing economic activities is the root cause for this slower growth. The same inflation has made it impossible for Aam Adami to meet his daily needs. While government is busy with Anna and Ramdev it should not think it is on holiday...!!Government need to carry out its critical functions!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Taking attention away..

The recent events that took place in Japan are very unfortunate but what is even more unfortunate is media has diverted its complete attention from what is happening in Libya in particular and middle east in general to Japan.. The autocratic  regime of Muammar Gaddafi must be brought down international media should pay attention in middle east as well... Because it is now or never for Libyans.. Lets stand by Japanese and Libyans alike in their difficult times...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prayas Experience

Prayas was really a wonderful and memorable experience to me this was first time I participated in any such activity. I went there on 30th Jan at 9.30 pm one day late as there was an exam of my own on same day I took the exam and reached there hastily.
Next day my Group that is Jangira was supposed to do all activities like making of breakfast, lunch and serving it. I was supposed to tell information about Jangira fort while breakfast. So even though I was tired from Exam and journey I studied for that short speech and slept at 2 am to wake up at 4 am but I could not take bath as there were many visitors to the temple (Siddhtek) on that night and they were taking bath so directly went Bhombora 5 km away from Siddhtek on bikes and helped in making breakfast told about Jangira during breakfast and distributed lunch (Bhaat) to volunteers who went to different schools. After that went to primary school in Dudhodi I was very happy to be with children that day. On first day I really didn’t got chance to teach because I was told to keep moving in different classes to guide students by Diwane madam. During the lunch somebody from Prayas group asked to school teacher “Student are very talented sir are there any who are taking the exam of Scholarship or Navodaya?” I was listening the conversation teacher replied “No! This year we have too much burden of census so we are not giving chance to students this year!!” I thought for a while what was the fault of students why there opportunity to appear for exams that might change their lives is taken away?
In afternoon when all were playing Kho-Kho one student of 6th class approached me and said by looking at Bolero standing nearby “My father too had that car!” I said “Oh yes what does your father do?”
“He is died in a car accident, He was driver!” that small boy replied all in a sentence. I felt sorry for asking such question after a pause I asked “Oh sorry tell me what your mother does?”  Then boy replied with innocence in his eyes and with full trust in me that ‘she was killed by his uncle as she was not giving money to him after the death of his father’ it all came to me as shock and I was shattered to hear this. We say that we are a progressive society. How could be such heinous things be prevalent in our society even today? The last question that I asked him was “What you want to be in your life?” “Driver, Just as my father was!” he said. Initially I was shocked and shattered now it was turn to be nervous I wanted that boy to be become everything from Doctor, Engineer to IAS and IPS to Politician. I apologize you all that I didn’t told him to become anything from this I am sorry I was just not able to do that. I told this incident to some of my friends they said the boy might have lied but I when I visualized innocence in his eyes... No he was not lying..! I felt to deny this to lie with ourselves! The name of boy is Suresh and currently he is living with his maternal uncle (Mama). I was so nervous on evening that when all were playing I was sitting alone listening songs. That night I didn’t shared my experiences with anybody.
Next day another school where I taught students about Computer, Internet, History (Especially about history of Shivaji Maharaj) in evening there was street play in a small village. After street play I talked in high tone and recited my poem regarding Terror attack on Mumbai vociferously. That night I was not feeling well as water here was not suiting to me. For next two days my health was not good Pawar sir asked me if want to go back to Pune but I was not a fool to lose such opportunity in life. I went to school with my ailing condition I told to student of 5th class to be supportive as I was not feeling well and to my surprise they were so supportive that they were only making noise to say “Don’t you understand that Vijay Dada is not feeling well today?” Next day it was Dental health check up as well as blood donation so I went to villagers convincing them to participate in health check up and blood donation. One 60 year old villager told me by looking at my Identity card that The Identity card of his wife is lost last week and now she has to pay full fare of buses I understood that he was referring to Identity card issued by election commission. He continued “Will you able to make such a card for her as you have cameras with you?” I replied that we are not authorized to make such cards as we are from a NGO and not from government but the elder citizen was not satisfied he also insisted that we can do that if I wish to do so he was very nervous that I was not doing his task purposefully. He might be hugely experienced with what happens in our governmental offices! Another man approximately of age 75 years was very reluctant to check his teeth when I asked him to do so he replied “What is use of checking teeth now? It’s time to chant name of God and die peacefully!” After coming back to camp where checking was being done the same man who wanted Identity card of his wife to be made by us gave his prescription report in my hand and said “I have been told to come to Pune to take further treatment!” I said “Okay then come to Pune!” the man who was sitting next to him said “It’s just farce. They are doing advertisement! They are checking here and saying to come to Pune so that they can take all the money from you. It’s loot!!” I was hurt from within I said “That is not the truth!” then whimsical old man just smiled at me in such way that I couldn’t bear it. I went for lunch!
On the same morning when I went to a group of young boys in their twenties I was initially shy to join them as I usually don’t talk first to any unknown person but then I said to myself that I am here to improve my personality so I went to them and started taking about health and dental check up and urged them to participate in it. Then one of them handsome looking guy asked me to sit down. Then we talked for almost 15 minutes I explained them about what we did in last 4-5 days what we are doing in health and dental check up etc. They asked me many questions like which is my native place? What course I am doing? What is its fee? Etc. One of them was also interested to know whether I have a girl friend or not? When I said that I have to leave now the same handsome looking guy interrupted “No, you can’t go like this you are friend to us now you have to take a tea with us then only you can go!” I agreed and we went to a hotel in corner for tea. On the last day during the Prize distribution ceremony that same guy delivered the speech on Prayas saying thanks for our efforts. I was very happy to listen the speech of My Friend!!
                                                                                 By: Vijay Netke

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prayas: Masala Bhaat

masaalaa Baat
rayagaDavar imaLtao Baat
Baatca imaLtao jaMijay`aat
purMdracao QaurMQar Aalao
Baatacaoca jaovaNa Jaalao
daonaca Gaasa KalaI ]trlao
PaaoTo qaklao, pao+o qaklao
vaasaanaoca gaudma$ laagalao
ekca cava Ana\ ekca svaad
kQaI na saaQaa ek Apvaad
rayagaD vaa Asaao rajagaD
PaaoTat Aamacyaa nausatI gaDgaD
laaohgaDacao laaohpu$YahI Gao}na Aalao Baat
AaiNa maarlaI Aamacyaa paoTavartI laaqa
taorNaa zrlaa tarNahar
TaLlaI AamacaI ]pasamaar
ek saaMgaNao naahI far
baMd krao yao A<yaacaar.. baMd krao yao A<yaacaar..!

          - ivajaya naoTko

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

poliically motivated decision

Government’s decision to give cash to the poor instead of providing subsidies to kerosene, cooking gas and fertilizers is a welcome step but I fear money saved in this process will not be utilized properly as I think it will be directed to present a popular budget this month to get political benefits amidst government’s tarnished image in scams and mega scams also too woo public sentiments ahead of state assembly polls in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Assam,Kerala and Puducherry this year.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Deciding the direction of decade

Almost every decade start with things that change the direction of the decade itself. In 1991 the fall of USSR marked the end of cold war era and beginning of unipolar world under hegemony of United States. Last decade began with Y2K bug but on 11 September 2001 WTC was attacked by terrorists and rest of the decade was largely related and indirectly result of the activities around the same fact.
Now in this decade it all started with protests in Arab world from Tunisia followed by Egypt. In both the cases the younger generations with greater aspirations supplied with window of Internet were able to oust autocratic and unchallenged regime with uncontrolled power. These two revolutions in modern time will change the structure and view of the world and the effects of these revolutions will be felt throughout the world for whole decade..!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hopes are high..

Indian team is declared for next month’s world cup. Team is more or less same as was expected with decision to drop S Sreesanth and Rohit Sharma as a little shock. Spiners are given more preferences as matches are being played in Indian sub continent. This is last world cup Sachin will be playin lets hope that we win the world cup while this loved son of India is playing for the country.

Unlearnt lesson

The stampede of sabarimala is yet another repetition of what has happened in past be it Mandhara Devi, Naina Devi or Chamunda Devi. Kerala government putting just three cops to manage three lakh is example of shortsightedness of unprepared authorities on top of that arrogance of Achutanandan is callousness of government to lives of common people. Indian temples are one of the richest in the world they must upgrade infrastructure to look into safety of devotees to avoid such incidents in future.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

vj.netke: China's policy of issuing stapled visas..

vj.netke: China's policy of issuing stapled visas..: "This is a serious blow to bilateral relations between China and India that it is issuing stapled visas to Indian citizens from Arunachal. La..."

China's policy of issuing stapled visas..

This is a serious blow to bilateral relations between China and India that it is issuing stapled visas to Indian citizens from Arunachal. Last year china has done same for a military personnel from Kasmir saying that Kashmir is disputed region of India. Now China says that issuing stapled visas to citizens from Arunachal is their policy for years! It is going to have great repurcusions on our diplomatic relations. Last year when chinese premier Wen Jiabo came to India he said that India should be able to play greater at international level but days after when he went to pakistan he said it is not justifiable to link terror to a particular country. It seems everybody knows Pakistan is exporting terror to India and to other parts of india except China.

Friday, January 14, 2011


US wants Pakistan to help it in Afghanistan in its so called war against terror and Pakistan is taking compromising stand on terror. It is not only Pakistan that is playing double game US is doing the same. 9/11 was planned executed and funded by Saudis and fundamentalists Pakistanis but US responded by invading Iraq and Afghanistan because Pakistan has nuclear weapons that US fears and Saudi Arabia has oil that US crave for.
Pakistan is helping for Taliban to reduce India’s role in Afghanistan, India on the other hand wants Afghanistan to be a peaceful country and not centre of jihad and violence.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Look East

India losing an opportunity to construct stilwell road is just an another example of shortsightedness and unwillingness of New Delhi. India’s western border is not having scope for trade and commerce in near future. But when we look towards east India is not upgrading its infrastructure to promote trade also as part of Foreign policy in area that has been geographically isolated for centuries by Himalaya and gigantic rivers like Brahmaputra, Salween, Chindwin etc . China on the other hand building roads and rails to Gulf through Pakistan and even further to Mediterranean also building naval  ports in Indian ocean  and in South China sea is very cautious about Infrastructure and trade.

Politics of renaming

AMC ruled under saffron allies is trying to rename Aurangabad as
'Shambhajinagar' and city airport as 'Raje Shambhaji Bhosale Airport'
Their this demand had been pending since 1995 along with Osmanabad to
Rename as 'Dharashiv'. Everybody can understand that this issue is to
Get political milage and as counter attack on recent conflict releated
To removing statue of 'Dadoji Kondev' in pune's historical Lal mahal.
These politcial parties are not interested in the welfare of common
People and development they just want to get political benefits out of
Such activities.
Common people are now disillusioned by the corruption in congress and
Its arrogance while they are helpless as they don't have any better
Option which is secular and provide better governance rather than
Changing the names of cities as they did in past by changing Bombay to
Mumbai, Edlabad as Muktainagar and Victoria Terminus as Chhatrapati
Shivaji Terminus. We can’t achieve development by merely changing
Names and removing statues.