Friday, March 7, 2014

Characteristics of fascist people and fascism:

1). Fascism is not coherent doctrine. It is bunch of incoherent 'beliefs' and half baked ideas. Therefore Fascist people are unable to think logically and rationally.

2). Fascism takes root in frustrated and 'Spiritually Homeless' people.

3). Fascist are opposed to Democracy and Communism. (History has by no means proved communists as supporters of democracy)

4) Fascism requires 'an object of hate' to unite the people under its banner. e.g Jews were object of hate for Hitler to unite Nordic Germans. He killed 60 lac Jews during 6 years of 2nd world war. The object of hate in fascism can be any thing like Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Hindi language speakers, Bihari, South Indians, western culture or anything else.

5). Fascist people believe in aggressive, expansionist Nationalism.

6). Fascists believe that Individual person is means and nation as end. It expects enormous sacrifices from people for cause of its aggressive nationalism. It puts obligations on people without giving them any rights. e.g. Hitler started conscription.

7) Fascists people have their ideas of what is good for people. They will enforce their ideas coercible. They do not reason but coerce for this they employ 'stormtroopers' e.g. Hitler had Gestapos to silence the opposition by force.

8) The Fascists stormtroopers kill, intimidate, rape, vandalize, throw tomatoes and eggs on those citizens who do not fit into their notions of morality.

9). Fascists people believe in propaganda. They need 'Propagators' for that purpose. They manipulate media (Goebbels was Minister of Propaganda of Hitler, he manipulated it.) They use flowery terms to hide their misdeeds. E.g Hitler used the word 'Disinfection' for the procedure by which millions of Jews were butchered. He also used the word 'Final Solution' for killing of Jews.

10). Fascist people divide the world into 'We' versus 'They'.

11). Fascist people believe in maintaining what they call 'purity' it can be anything like purity of Race or Culture. e.g. Hitler wanted to maintain 'purity' of Nordic Race and he thought Jews were 'polluting' it, therefore he got them killed, 60 lac of them. Hitler thought maintaining race purity was prime function of State.

12). Fascism rise when people have cultural pride of past but bleak present and future. e.g. German people had pride in their past but when they were defeated in WW-1 they were disillusioned by bleak present, same was case with Italy which took immense pride, rightfully so in ancient Roman civilization.

13). Fascism rise when people face economic hardships. e.g There was great depression in 1929, similar to recession in 2008. Hitler captured power within 4 years after that in 1933

14) Fascist can come to power through Democracy. e.g Hitler became chancellor through elections in 1933 but soon became dictator.

15) Fascist believe in 'personality cult'. Hitler was deified, everybody was expected bow in-front of him, he was called as fürher i.e leader. Similarly, Benito Mussolini was the supreme leader of Italy.

16) Fascist take great joy in branding anybody as traitor, just because that person does not follow their line of argument.

17) Fascist believe in 'Unity by Homogeneity' which is opposed to 'Unity in diversity', which is essence of Indian Civilization.

19). Fascist does not reason with you, they coerce you.

20). Socialists can be fascists. e.g Nazi means national socialist German workers party.

21) The job of women in fascist ideology is to give birth to as many healthy and 'pure' children as possible, preferably male child.

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