Thursday, March 6, 2014

Maratha: A Historical Perspective

Historically speaking 'Maratha' is not a caste. It is a society. 'Marathi Manus' is recent identity when word Maratha became synonymous with a caste.

If you get to read Saint Dnyaneshwar of 13th century. He says while explaining the greatness of his language: "Maza Marathachi bolu kavtuke, pari amrutate paija jinke. Aise aksre rasike melvin" Your eyes should notice the fact that he uses the word 'Maratha' and not 'Marathi'..!!

Samarth Ramdas in 17th century says "Maratha tituka melvava,Maharashtra dharm vadvava" here also he uses the word 'Maratha' for everyone living in Maharashtra.

If you are still not satisfied, take a look at our National Anthem. Here in 1911, Gurudev Tagore writes: "...Punjab, Sindh(Now Sindhu), Gujarat, Maratha, Dravid, Utkal, Bang..." Clearly, He equates the word Maratha to Maharashtra.

I can give hundreds of references of how Lokmanya Tilak was referred to as 'Seditious Maratha Brahmin' by Britisher's during late 19th and early 20th century. This is same as saying Tamil Brahmin or Bengali Brahmin. Conclusion: Everybody irrespective of caste was called Maratha, Maharashtra was synonymous with word Maratha, because that word was not reduced to petty meaning of a caste.

In my 24 years of life I have not met a single person who takes meaning of 'Maratha Empire' as empire of Maratha Caste -- because it was not.

In 20th century with rise of what has been called as 'Number Consciousness' Maratha came to mean a caste. More so during and after 1931's first caste census. With rise of lingustic identity during 'Samyukta Maharashtra Movement'. The identity of 'Marathi Manus' came forward. There Maratha and Marathi became two distinct words with distinct meanings. It was on this background G.T Madkholkar asked Yashwantrao Chavan that-- Whether this new state of Maharashtra will be Maratha or Marathi?? And Yashwantrao as is famously known replied that it will be 'Marathi'..!!

In 7th century around 630AD when Hiseun Tsung now called Xuanzang in simplified chinese came to India he wrote about Maratha people as: "The disposition of the people is honest and simple; they are tall of stature, and of a stern, vindictive character. To their benefactors they are grateful; to their enemies relentless. If they are insulted, they will risk their life to avenge themselves. If they are asked to help one in distress, they will forget themselves in their haste to render assistance. If they are going to seek revenge, they first give their enemy warning ; then, each being armed, they attack each other with spears. When one turns to flee, the other pursues him, but they do not kill a person who submits."

This is classic description of every Maharashtrian. It remains so contemporary even after 1400 years. Except for the fact we are no longer honest people who keep the words.

Two conclusions can be drawn. First, Any man who calls History as a useless subject is useless man. Second, Maratha which once meant a society is a caste today but diversity of society continues in that caste.

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